Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Two week check-up and The Mongolian Spot...

This morning I took Abby for her two-week check up. She weighed 7lbs 7oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. She has gained 5oz since her last visit. I thought her weight was pretty good, and she eats good, but the pediatrician seemed to thing she wasn't gaining quite fast enough. So I have to record exactly how many ounces she drinks in a 24 hour period one day this weekend and call them with it on Monday.

Dr. Kitchens checked her left hip again and said it still has a 'click' in it. I asked her to help me feel it, too, since I tried to at home and didn't feel anything abnormal. She showed me where to put my hand and flex her leg, and sure enough you feel a little 'click'. It just feels like a little pop like when some people bend their knee or wrist, you just feel a tiny catch. It doesn't hurt her at all. So when she is 6-8 weeks old they will do an ultrasound of her hip and as long as the joint looks okay, it's no big deal.

Now on to Mongolia. Mongolia? Thats right, Mongolia.

In the hospital I noticed Abby had a really dark spot really low on her back, actually really high on her rear end. It dark blue, almost black. I thought maybe it was somehow bruised during delivery and would go away. And none of the doctors or nurses mentioned it. She didn't act like it hurt her if you touched it or anything.

Well, it didn't go away so I started to worry! So I asked Dr. Kitchens about it today, and she said it's called a "Mongolia Spot," and will eventually go away. She said it's pretty common especially since Kenneth's skin is darker than mine. But it's nothing to worry about...whew!

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