Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Has anyone seen my Christmas Spirit?

Okay, I have a confession to make. This may shock some of you...if you are out there, reading this somewhere. To be honest I don't know if anyone actually reads it except my mother, occasionally, when I pull it up on her computer for her.

Anyway, the fact is I can't find my Christmas Spirit. It was last seen last Christmas, when I packed away my Christmas decor and threw away the torn-up wrapping paper. This year, when I drug the totes up from the basement (or when Kenneth did!) it was nowhere to be found. It wasn't in the box with the snowmen, it wasn't wrapped in tissue paper with the breakable ornaments, it wasn't tucked away with my recipe for Christmas Crunch- which let me just say is divine... I've tried everything to rustle it up. I've trimmed the tree, I've gone Christmas shopping, I've wrapped gifts, I've listened to and sung every Christmas carol I know. I've made Christmas candy. Nothing.

I even searched the house. I looked in the cabinet where i keep my joie de vivre. Not there. I looked in the box under the bed where i keep my last nerve, usually reserved for bad days at work and annoying relatives. Nope. It was nowhere to be found.

So for the first time in my life I may be celebrating Christmas without the "warm fuzzies". I think its going to be okay. After all, I have been otherwise engaged these past couple of weeks. I'm typing this with one hand because Abby is sleeping in my arms, wearing her Christmas sleeper with a reindeer on the butt. Even if I don't feel Christmasy I will enjoy watching Bella tear into her presents. I will love visiting with my family and listening to the same funny stories we tell every year.

And who knows, maybe I'll find my Christmas spirit after all.

1 comment:

  1. Even if you don't have it this Christmas, it will come back next year! I went through the same thing when I had a newborn around Christmas. My Christmas spirit was gone and I was just trying to get used to the adjustment of having a baby. But it comes back!! :)
