Yesterday I went to Baby Depot with my mom and mother-in-law to pick out Abby's nursery furniture. When we got Bella's it was pretty easy, her furniture was discontinued and on clearance (yay!) so we just paid for it and went on our merry way. Not so for Abby.
The first sales person I found was getting ready to leave. So I started just looking around and finally found a set I really liked. I had thought about getting white furniture, and this was oak, so I wanted to ask a sales person if it came in white. Easier said than done. When I
finally found one, she was on the phone. When she got off, I showed her the furniture I liked and asked if it came in white. It didn't. But I really liked it anyway.
Let me pause a moment to emphasize the fact that this girl seemed to have no real desire to be at work. Her get-up-and-go already got-up-and-went, so to speak. Or as my mom said, "She acted like she had dead lice falling off her." Don't ask.
So I asked her if they had this in stock. Reply. "I'm not sure if we have all the pieces." Awkward silence. Me: "Would you care to check?" (should I
really even have to ask???)
During this whole time my mom and mother-in-law are being pretty much no help as they are looking at baby clothes and trying to keep Bella (who started trying to get out of her stroller ten minutes ago) occupied.
We finally determine that all the pieces are in stock, assembled, boxed, and ready to be purchased.
And believe it or not, on sale! If you buy the crib, all the other pieces are half price!
So the sales girl wrote up the sales slip and took it up front. Where there were two registers open and like twelve people in line. A very slow-moving line. We
finally get to the register, the sales girl (a different one) rang up the slip and happily informed me the total was $1843.22.
of course the computer didn't give us the 50% off we were supposed to get. So she tries to fix it, she can't, she calls for help, they can't fix it either...we end up with five sales associates standing around our register trying to get it to ring up right. Eventually they got it, and boy was I glad they did, considering it made a difference of $655! My mom paid for the crib (her and dad's baby gift to us!) and I paid for the chest of drawers, dresser (which will be used as a changing table), and the hutch to go on it.
I ended up with enough money left to get Abby's infant carry seat and have $40 left over. Now we just need a break in this rainy weather so Kenneth can go pick it up!
As for the night-time chaos, well, if anyone has an answer to this dilemma I want to hear it! See, for the longest time when we put Bella to bed we brushed her teeth, said prayers together, give kisses (and "noggin"- her daddy started that and it's really cute!) and turn out the light. And Bella would lay down and go to sleep. Too good to be true? Apparently. For the past several nights, bedtime has turned in to a nightmare. It has taken anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour to get her to lay down and go to sleep. She won't stay in bed, or she wants me to lay with her but cries when I get up, or she lays in bed and hollers at us. By the time she finally gives up and goes to sleep, I'm so frustrated that
I can't go to sleep. And I don't mind rocking her to sleep, but even that takes a long time because she fights sleep, and with a new baby coming that's not going to be feasible all the time... I'm getting to my wit's end! Hopefully this will be a short-lived phase!