It really felt like Abbigails first Christmas, even though she was here last year. She was three weeks old and pretty much comatose the entire holiday. This year she was wide open. She ran around, she climbed on things, she ate stuff (edible and not!). It was fun. The good thing about holiday parties is there are plently of people around to help keep and eye on her. Although if Aunt Rachel is anywhere in the vicinity, thats who Abby wants!
And Bella got a plethora of new toys, games, books, etc. I know it is fun for little kids but I am kind of wondering how you keep them from feeling entitled. For two or three days you are going from house to house and they get several gifts each time. Bella got to the point where she would open one, look at it a second, then grab another. If anyone has any suggestions on how to help little kids stop and appreciate their presents, I'd love to hear them! I want my kids to realize that some people don't get all these presents and blessings at Christmas!
Anyway, the holiday came and went, leaving my house looking like a Christmas party had thrown up here. Last night K and I un-decorated the tree (is that a word?) and this morning I started putting away new toys, washing new clothes, etc. I got a new vacuum from the parentals which should come in handy once I can actually see the floor again. And a new Keurig coffee maker from K, which will be nice when I lose stamina...which will probably be before we find a way to get this huge tree out of our living room. It was bad enough getting it in when it was all tied up. Hmmm...between K's new skilsaw and the new vacuum, we should be able to work something out... Would anyone think I am a grinch if I said I'm glad the holidays are over?
Here are some pics from our holiday. Remember, K was working, it's not that I wouldn't photograph him. (He is very handsome.)
Me and my beautiful snow angels, the day after Christmas.
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