Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Good Weekend

This has been a good weekend. On Friday I went for a check-up at the OB-GYN. Dr. May listened to the baby's heart, which was beating in the upper 140s/ lower 150s per minute. He also assured me that my fall at Lowe's Thursday night wasn't severe enough to have hurt the baby, although he said I was lucky not to have a broken rib! Thanks to my lack of nausea and insatiable appetite, I'd gained 3lbs since last visit, which leaves me with just 27 to go if I'm going to stay within the 30lb weight gain goal. Stop laughing, I did it last time! But we'll see, the most important thing is a healthy baby! Several of my skirts are starting to get uncomfortable, but I'm no way big enough for maternity clothes just yet. I hate this in-between phase, and it's come much faster this time around. Will Arabella I didn't wear preggo clothes till about 18 or 20 weeks. Something tells me I'm not going to make it that long this time!
Yesterday Kenneth stained our front porch (or at least 90% of it, but I'll get to that later.) It looks really good. I stayed in with Bella, I didn't want to be breathing the fumes from the stain, plus I didn't want Bella right in the middle of it. Which, inevitably is where she'd end up! Kenneth got all of the porch except the ends. When they built our house they put holly bushes around the front porch. And apparently the holly bush is attractive to every species of bee in east Tennessee. So they are swarming this time of year. I have to tell on my husband here, he has many many wonderful qualities, but the fact remains he is afraid of bees. Can't stand them. So the ends of the porch have been postponed until he can arm himself with a can of bee spray. And possibly a protective suit.
Today we went to church, which was nice, me and the girls sang a new song that everybody liked. Then me, K, and Bella went out for lunch. The rest of today has been rather lazy, as a Sunday should be! K is napping, because he has to get back to third shift tonight. I'm getting ready to make Bella her evening beverage, a sippy cup of chocolate milk, and get her wound down for bed. Then I get half an hour or so of 'just me' time to shower and get ready for bed!

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