Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Toyland, Toyland...

After this past Christmas, we looked around the house and realized it was starting to look like one of those homes they show on the Discovery Health channel, where hoarders live. It was like we were being buried alive in "stuff". By "stuff" I mostly mean toys. And more toys. We were spared the toy gifts with Abby (this year) due to the fact that she was three weeks old at Christmas and couldn't even hold her own head up, let alone appreciate a gift that came with "some assembly required" and "batteries not included". She got lots of clothes.

So we explored our options. We could a) get rid of all our worldy possessions and live on a commune. b) just flat out become hoarders...maybe we could get on t.v. or c) make more room!

Well, I didn't want to be on t.v. that bad, and people on communes probably have the heebie jeebies. (The technical name for that bacteria is actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans). So we decided to make a playroom in the basement.

Luckily, we have a full basement. Even more luckily (more luckily? Can I say that?) it was income tax season, the season my husband longs for the most- after football season, that is. So our stars aligned, and we made a playroom! Here are some pics!

Here is the "before". Acutually this is the
"before" after Kenneth moved all the boxes that
we crammed in this corner.

Here is the room with framing and insulation...

And drywall. Ahh, there's nothing like drywall
dust in the morning...

The stairwell, painted and carpeted. The color
looks funny in this shot, it's acutally a toupe color.
And the carpet is Berber. I love it.

The finished product! I painted it "Twilight Mist".
As previously noted in my blog, I won't use a color
unless I like the color and the name. The small door
on the left is a large closet under the stairs.

I don't have a pic of the ceiling fan, but it's really cute. Each blade is a different
pastel color. Kudos to my hubby for picking it out all by himself.

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