Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Blogging from the Beach!

Today I am updating my blog from sunny Hilton Head Island! We arrived yesterday about 3:30 p.m. and got everything unloaded an #11 Sea Oak, our rented beach house. It's really nice, with 5 bedrooms and 5 1/2 baths on about 4 different levels! Arabella and Ashlyn had a ball exploring it. It's the kind of house that's layed out funny, with two differrent staircases and lots of space to run around in.

Once we got unloaded, we took the girls down to the beach to play. Bella is a lot braver this year, she ran right out into the waves and kept wanting to go out deeper! She and Ashlyn had a ball! My parents and grandparents went out to dinner, and the rest of us stayed at the house and had pizza delivered, since it was late and the girls were tired. And tired toddlers don't do well in restuarants!

We spent this morning at the beach. The girls ran and ran and ran. They found starfish in the tide pools, they splashed in the waves, they played in the sand. It is very warm down here, I think the high was 90 today, of course with high humidity, but there's always a breeze down by the ocean so that helps. At lunch time we fed them and put them to bed, then I went back to the beach with Kenneth and we took a walk as the tide was coming in, which was nice. I did get pretty tired then! Chasing the girls all morning took most of my energy! Needless to say, it wasn't a very fast walk.

Now the girls are napping and everyone else is showered and resting. When they get up, we'll all head out for some yummy seafood!

I can't post pics from here, so I will do it when I get home!

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