Today was our first "official" day of homeschool. Official as in I am keeping attendance records, Bella has had her school immunizations, and we are using curriculum. I am calling this year "K4". Kind of a run-up to official Kindergarten. So here's how our first day went:
We got up at seven and had our chocolate milk / coffee fix. Then I fed the girls breakfast and we got dressed and brushed our teeth. We started off with our Saxon Math K, then went over our "Character Quality". This month it is Truthfulness, so we read the definition of truthfulness and also read Ephesians 4:25. Then we read our Bible story, and ended the day with phonics. Bella really liked Explode the Code (ETC), our phonics program. Today we talked about the letter "F" and the sound it makes. We ended the phonics lesson by reading "My F Book" by Moncure. Our art project for today was, of course, a f-f-frog, which we painted green. Tomorrow we will add eyes and a ribbon hanger.
Overall it went really well and I am pleased. I am going to add in our weather chart in a couple days. The biggest challenge was Abbigail, who was pretty fussy this morning. I plan on going to the dollar store in the near future and fixing her a basket of "school time only" toys to play with as she sits at the table with us.
Here are some pics of our first morning of homeschool!
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