Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I like to move it, move it...except now I'm too sore to!

So I recently realized that my recent diet plan wasn't working. Well, actually, it was working great, just in the wrong direction. Apparently an abundance of popcorn, Mountain Dew, Twix bars, and ice cream isn't that great for you.

Who knew?

I had to do something. My friend's sister, Heidi, has been trying to get me to try a Zumba class, and I finally caved in and went.

Now, if you've never seen Zumba, it's a form of exercise. Picture yourself trying to impersonate Shakira while doing step aerobics to Latin music. It's kind of like that. I used to do step aerobics so I figured I couldn't be too bad at Zumba.

I was wrong.

My friend Jessica was a great sport and went with me, because frankly it's always better to be in good company while making a fool of oneself. The idiocy began before we even got in the gym. We pulled in the parking lot and realized we'd come with no bottled water. So I drove like a maniac to a Walgreens on the corner and got two big bottles of water.

Zumba class costs $3. That's right, they charge you to look like drunken half-paralyzed Salsa dancer.

Anyhoo, we took up our places near the back of the gym and began. It was actually lots of fun, after you get past the first five minutes of realizing you have no idea what you are doing, and that you shouldn't have stood in the back because you can't see the teacher. You can only hear her say things like, "Okay! Now triple step, cha-cha-cha!". Which apparently means something to the other 62 women in the gym. The trick is, no matter what, don't stop moving! If you stop moving you stick out like a sore thumb! When in doubt, just jump around and wave your arms.

An hour later I was literally dripping with sweat. I have to admit it was fun, and I did my good deed for the day by providing the girl and her mother who stood behind me with 60 minutes of entertainment.

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