Anyway, we saw the deer and the bees. We didn't see the otter or the bobcat because they were in hiding. Or maybe they don't even have a bobcat. Maybe they just put up a fence and threw on a sign that said, "Bobcat Enclosure"....would anyone really know the difference? If you have actually seen the Bays Mountain Bobcat with your own eyes, please let me know.
Abby enjoyed the great outdoors to the extent it can be enjoyed while strapped in an umbrella stroller. She drooled a lot and chewed on things. I think she had fun.
started yelling, "Come here, wolf!" in her little-girl voice, and one
of the wolves actually looked up and starting coming over to us.
We took a barge ride over the lake, which was nice, even though the end
result was a faint exhaust scent coming from everyone onboard. The park
ranger who was piloting it stopped by the wolf enclosure and had everyone
be very quiet so she could howl at the wolves. She howled and they did Abby, who started making all kinds of noises.
Apparently my youngest is part wolf.
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