Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Now serving customer 972...

As you know, I've decided to homeschool Bella. To that end, I decided it would probably be better for both of us to ease into it and not wait until mandatory school age (which in TN is age 6) and then jump in headfirst with no clue what we were doing.

So I talked to lots of people and read books and looked at websites, etc. And one piece of advice that kept coming up was : find a support group! Turns out there are quite a few in this region. I sent some emails out and was kind of surprised that a lot of the groups didn't even respond. Which makes me think they aren't very well maintained and therefore couldn't offer much support, anyway!

But one group, TEACH, (Tri-Cities Education Association for Christian Homeschoolers) responded immediately, and I exchanged quite a few emails with different members. They seemed very helpful and encouraging, so I went to a meeting several weeks ago. I met some really nice moms.

So I joined TEACH. One of the things I like about it is that in the fall and spring semesters they operate a educational co-op at Boone Trail Baptist Church. They offer classes for each age group (Prek-12th) on Fridays. I thought that would be a great way to meet people, and also a good time for Bella to spend with kids her own age.

Thursday was registration for the fall semester. So me, Bella, and Abby went. I took the umbrella stroller for Abby, who has graduated from her carry-seat. After checking in there was a meeting to review rules, etc. Then registration began. You waited until they called your number, then signed your kid up for classes.

I have to add here that they put you in line to register based on the age of your oldest child. Which makes perfect sense, because you wouldn't want one kid to get in their classes (sizes are limited) and the other not.

It's just hard when your oldest child is three years old. And yes, in the entire co-op, I had the dubious distinction of having the youngest oldest child. I was the last person to register. Bella and Abby did very well waiting, although it got tiring for all of us. In addition, having an umbrella stroller in a church is no easy task when it comes to things like taking the older kid to the bathroom.

Anyway, everyone was very nice and helpful and in the end Bella got signed up for "Letter of the Week" at 9a.m. , "Before Five In A Row" at 10a.m. , and "Preschool Art" at 11a.m. One of the rules of co-op is that a parent has to contribute 2 hours to the co-op each week. So I will be helping in other classes part of the morning, then doing a "Homeschooling 101" moms class, which I am very excited about.

Next year I may make up a fictional 12th-grade son, and be first in line to register. just kidding.

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