Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Settling In

A lot of my patients who have three (or more!) kids have always told me it's harder to adjust to the second kid than the third. I was always doubtful of that, but now I believe it. Because Abby was a big adjustment! Of course, actually caring for her has been a breeze, because this time around I know what I'm doing! I can tell just by the way she cries whether she is hungry or her belly is hurting, etc. So that part is easier.

The challenge is trying to feed, change, rock her, etc. while chasing Arabella! And Bella takes a lot of chasing most days! She's not one of these kids who will sit in their room and play quietly. She is in to everything! And, of course, she's still little and needs help doing most things. So in the middle of giving Abby a bottle, I often have to stop and help Bella go to the potty or something like that.

In addition, Bella has gotten very attached to me since Abby arrived. I'm sure she feels a little insecure. So I've been trying to give her lots of attention and praise. We seem to have finally left 'the uglies' behind us for the most part, which is wonderful!

I'm continually amazed by the fact that these two beautiful little people were actually inside me! And yes, sometimes when Bella is being a handful, I wish I could shrink her down and put her back! Being a mom is the hardest, most wonderful, scariest, most amazing thing I have ever done. And I really hope I'm doing a good job.

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