Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

School on Vacation? Oh, yes we did!

 I have to admit, one of the things I looked forward to the most about vacation was a break from homeschooling!  Even though I love doing it, it takes a lot of time and discipline (and this is just Kindergarten, for crying out loud!).  So I was so happy to spend my evenings reading (for fun!), doing crochet, or just hanging out with my family- no organizing flash cards, cutting out game pieces, getting worksheets in order, rounding up math manipulates...

But then, at the same time, I had this nagging feeling in my head...we were missing so many school days!  I know, its a sickness...but I got to searching online and found a way we could kill two birds - or rather butterflies- with one stone!

Field Trip!

On Wednesday we visited the Coastal Discovery Museum for a Butterfly Discovery Walk.  I had called ahead and made reservations, so our group consisted of me, the hubby, Bella, Abby, Rachel (my sister!), Ashlyn (my niece), and my Mom. 

Our tour guide, Larry, started out the Walk by talking - in simplified terms- about the anatomy of the butterfly, and some of the differances between butterflies and moths ( for insance, a moth builds a cocoon ; a butterfly builds a chrysalis) , and the process of metamorphosis.

Larry demostrates how a butterfly's eyes allow it to see in all directions at once!
Then we all got to go inside the butterfly enclosure.  There were four species of butterflies at this time, including the Monarch and the Frittalary.  Our guide pointed out the caterpillar eggs- tiny white specks that are about 1-2 millimeters in size! Once we had walked through the enclosure, we got to look a the different caterpillars themselves.

Bella gets up close and personal with a caterpillar! this the "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"?

Next, we got to see some chrysalis's . Some had already hatched, others weren't quite ready. It was amazing to look through the paper-thin chrysalis and the see the color of a Monarch butterfly's wing folded within.

Some of the carnivorous plants, including the Venus Flytrap, planted outside
the butterfly enclosure.

The girls really enjoyed the afternoon, especially getting to be around so many butterflies! And I really enjoyed knowing we were having fun- and learning, too!

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