Here's a litle progress report! We have completed one month's worth of lessons thus far! Bella is doing really well. Granted, there are days when we don't accomplish as much as I'd hoped. But then there are days when we plow right through our lesson! Today we completed Book A of the "Explode the Code" phonics program. Bella has learned the sounds for "b, k, t, f, m, and r". The really exciting part for me is not that she can recognize them when she sees them, but that she's starting to recognize them when she hears the sounds in everyday conversation! She's also started asking about sounds we haven't learned yet.
She is really enjoying Saxon Math K. She loves the teddy bear counters, pattern blocks, and linking cubes we use.
My favorite part of our lessons is our Bible story. Each day we read the next story in our book, discuss it, and then pray together. For example, if our story was about the Children of Israel having the sea before them and the Egyptians behind, we would pray and ask God to help us trust in him even when things don't look so good! It's amazing how simple Bible stories can still speak to us!
Here are some pictures from today!
next week, we have been looking at some books about
the ocean, and this weekend we are making an ocean
diorama (shoe box scene).
*please note that the above art project was not nearly as peaceful
as the pictures portray! We had a few minutes of wild rumpus during
which one of us was a fiddler crab and had to scuttle sideways with "pincher"
hands, and the other person was a fish and had to "swim" away!
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