She is bouncy (literally!) and full of life! She is learning new words and little phrases every day- the newest is "All done!" as she hands you her plate. She is sweet and loving, and at the same time fiesty and determined- just try to take her blankie from her! Abbigail is no pushover.
Last night I crept into her room to see if she was asleep, and instead found her lying in her crib peacefully, with her big browm eyes open. I whispered "Nite nite" and she whispered it back, and I watched her for a long time.
She is growing so fast, it makes my heart ache. Right now, this minute, she is still my baby. But sometimes I watch her as she plays, and I know that any second she will take one more step and one more breath and then...gone. She will be a little girl.
"For all good and perfect gifts come from above, sent down from the Father of Lights...."
So thankful.
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