Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Friday, September 2, 2011


"A-bee-dale!" is the sound that frequently echoes through our house, when Abbigail is doing something big sis Bella does not approve of! She may be the smallest of our home, but Abby is bound and determined to prove that "the last shall be first".

She is bouncy (literally!) and full of life! She is learning new words and little phrases every day- the newest is "All done!" as she hands you her plate. She is sweet and loving, and at the same time fiesty and determined- just try to take her blankie from her! Abbigail is no pushover.

Last night I crept into her room to see if she was asleep, and instead found her lying in her crib peacefully, with her big browm eyes open. I whispered "Nite nite" and she whispered it back, and I watched her for a long time.

She is growing so fast, it makes my heart ache. Right now, this minute, she is still my baby. But sometimes I watch her as she plays, and I know that any second she will take one more step and one more breath and then...gone. She will be a little girl.

"For all good and perfect gifts come from above, sent down from the Father of Lights...."

So thankful.

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