Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Friday, February 12, 2010

School Daze...

Since before Arabella was even born, I dreaded the day she had to start school! I told myself "It'll be a long time, she doesn't start school till she's five!" Well, time has flown by and she will be turning three in a couple of months. I know that before I can turn around, it will be time for kindergarten.

Honestly, the thought of sending her to public school makes my stomach knot up. It's not that I have anything against public schools...the theory is great...kind of like socialism, and we see how that turned out. And I know there are wonderful teachers out there (one of my best friends is one of them!) and wonderful kids. I don't harbor a secret fear that inside every school system employee lurks a gun-toting pedophile. (But they are out there.) I don't want to move to a commune and live like Laura Ingalls Wilder....although shoot, if every problem in life ended like an episode of Little House on the Praire it might not be a bad idea.

But I do want to protect her, and make sure she learns the things that are important, and from a Godly standpoint. And I don't think that happens in public schools.

Now we get to the difficult part: I work full time! Or at least, what's considered full time in the dental profession: four days a week. Monday through Thursday, 8a.m. to 5p.m. For a long time I thought my home-school dream was totally out of reach.

Now I'm not so sure. I believe where there's a will, there's a way!

So since it isn't financially possible for me to stay at home (right now, anyway- but all things are possible!) I'm really considering just working around my work!

Which would leave us Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for school, and then if we worked a couple of hours on Monday and Tuesday evening, I believe we could cover the necessary curriculum. It would be difficult, for sure, and we would have to make a family commitment to make it work.

So right now we are discussing it, and I am going to be praying about it, and ask the Lord to lead me in the right direction and open doors for us!

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