Counting small miracles. Expecting large blessings.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kindgarten, Shmindergarten!

 I haven't blogged about our homeschool adventure in a while...I actually haven't blogged about anything in a while! You'll be happy to know we have been doing kindergarten, even if I haven't been writing about it!

Bella has done amazing, I am so very proud of her! Her behavior has really improved this second half of the year as she realized what we expect of her during school time.  She is reading really well and has developed a love of being read to, which thrills my soul!

Because we breezed through the first part of the year and got in some extra lessons, we finished our Kindergarten curriculum with several days of school left to complete our 180 day school year.

We had a "Fire Safety Day" where we talked about, of course, fire safety in our home.  We talked about how to evacuate and Bella practiced calling 911 on mommys phone (with Mommy pretending to be the 911 dispatcher!).  Then we had a science experiment to demonstrate the three thing fire needs to burn- heat, air, and fuel.  We ended the day by reading several fiction and nonfiction library books about firemen, and the next day we walked down to our local fire station for an up close look at the fire engines with our friend Paul the fireman!  It was a fun way to finish our Kindergarten work.

So then, because we had about 17 school days left and because the books were just sitting in a box waiting for us, we just jumped in to our first grade curriculum! We finished up our school year on May 17.

Overall, I am thrilled with our first year of homeschool, and I feel as excited about it as I did at the first of the year- maybe even more so!  I love the time we get to spend together, getting to watch her learn, being able to weave our faith in to every subject, and exploring things together!

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