The other day, I got a terrifying package in the mail. As soon as I saw the plain, brown box on my front porch, I broke out in a cold sweat. The day I dreaded had finally arrived. With a pounding heart, I carried it inside and opened it with trembling fingers. It was just as I had suspected.....
...Bella's math curriculum had arrived.

Okay, okay, so I 'm being
a tiny bit melodramatic. But honestly, anyone who was close friend of mine through high school (and lets be honest, that was a small group!) knows how I
abhorred math. I groaned and complained my way through
every math class my school offered, from Probability and Statistics to Algebra III, and I never learned to like it.
And I'm going to teach my daughter math. And I'm going to do it without ever letting her know how I truly feel about it.
I can do this! The good thing is we are starting at the very beginning, so we can learn (and re-learn!) together. If I were jumping into Algebra II, we would have a big problem. I think I can handle kindergarten stuff. (
Please, Lord!)
In the end I decided to go with my first choice, Saxon Math. I'm pleased with the parts of the text I have read over, and I think Bella will LOVE the manipulatives.
For phonics I chose Explode the Code (ETC) and I am really excited about it. I also purchased the ETC wall chart, which is made of felt with a pocket for each letter. There is a little felt item (such as a fish for the "F" pocket) that goes with each letter.

So, I've marked August 4 on the calendar as "D"-day. Yes, that is a Thursday. But due to my work schedule were going to have odd school days. I feel a bit overwhelmed about it right now, but I think once we get a few days under our belts, I'll feel better.