After living in Jonesborough our entire married life ( four and a half years and counting), K and I have decided to put our house up for sale and move back to our hometown, Erwin. Jonesborough is a great place to live, and we have a nice neighborhood. But I work in Erwin three days a week, and we go to church there. Plus we are often over on the weekend for some family function or the other.
Now that we've actully got the "For Sale" sign in the yard, I'm really excited about moving back to Erwin. The irony of this situation is that I can remember a time when I couldn't wait to get out!
Anyway, I know the housing market isn't that great right now, but I'm not gonna worry about that. The thing is, the Lord already knows who will buy our house, and he may be moving them this direction as we speak....or type. Oh, whatever.